воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Изменение цен на квартиры в новостройках Киева за 2-й квартал 2010!

По данным портала meget.kiev.ua за 2-й квартал 2010 года цена продажи квартир в новостройках Киева незначительно снизилась на 0.5% и составляет в среднем 1724у.е./кв.м. В составлении статистических данных участвовали одно-, двух-, трех-, четырехкомнатные квартиры в новостройках Киева, без учета вторичного рынка недвижимости - около 3000 предложений

Самыми дешевыми оставались предложения по продаже квартир в Деснянском районе, (в среднем $1089/кв.м).

Самые дорогие предложения по продаже квартир выставлены в Шевченковском районе Киева (в среднем $2616/кв.м).

Средняя цена продажи квартир в новостройках Киева составила $1724/кв.м.

Цены на квартиры в новостройках Киева по районам

Новостройки Киева, Голосеевский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1987/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Дарницкий район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1197/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Деснянский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1089/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Днепровский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1306/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Оболонский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1570/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Печерский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $2484/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Подольский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $2063/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Святошинский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1336/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Соломенский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $1598/кв.м.

Новостройки Киева, Шевченковский район: средняя цена продажи квартир $2616/кв.м.

Все цены указаны по результатам общего количества предложений на рынке продажи квартир в новостройках Киева. Учитывались только квартиры на рынке новостроек Киева.

Предложения по продаже квартир в Киеве можно посмотреть здесь

Предложения по продаже квартир в других городах Украины здесь

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суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Ставка ипотечных кредитов снизилась до 25% в гривне

Средняя ставка по кредитам на покупку недвижимости на вторичном рынке сроком на 1 год в гривне за последние три месяца понизилась на три процентных пункта. При этом на рынок продолжают выходить учреждения с возобновленными кредитными программами

По данным компании "Простобанк Консалтинг" на 31.05.2010 г. средняя ставка по кредитам на покупку недвижимости на вторичном рынке сроком на 5 лет составила 24,64% годовых. По данным компании на 01.03.2010 г. средняя ставка по таким кредитам составляла 27,09% годовых.

Таким образом, за три весенних месяца ставка снизилась на 2,45 процентных пункта. Стоит отметить, что подешевели ипотечные кредиты на все сроки. Наименьшее снижение процентной ставки на 0,6 п.п. показали кредиты сроком на 20 лет – с 27,07 до 26,52% реальных годовых. А наибольшее снижение на 2,84 п.п. показали кредиты сроком 1 год – с 29,27 до 26,43% реальных годовых.

Одновременно на рынок выходят банки, которые возобновляют выдачу кредитов на покупку недвижимости на вторичном рынке. С начала весны предложения по таким кредитам пополнились кредитами еще от трех учреждений. При этом самые распространенные сроки кредитов по-прежнему короткие: наибольшее количество предложений зафиксировано для срока на 1 год – 13 кредитных программ, затем идет срок 5 лет – 12 и 10 лет – 11 предложений.

Обращаться за ипотечными кредитами на вторичном рынке можно в следующие учреждения из 50 банков-лидеров по активам: Universal Bank, БМ Банк, Индэкс-Банк, банк "Форум", Укрэксимбанк, Укрсоцбанк, БТА Банк, Кредобанк, Фольксбанк, Укргазбанк, Эрсте Банк, Мегабанк, Ощадбанк.

По данным "Простобанк Консалтинг" наиболее выгодные условия на покупку недвижимости на вторичном рынке сроком на 5 лет среди Топ-50 банков по размеру активов следующие:


Реальная ставка, % годовых














БМ Банк



По данным "Простобанк Консалтинг" наиболее выгодные условия на покупку недвижимости на вторичном рынке сроком на 10 лет среди Топ-50 банков по объему активов:


Реальная ставка, % годовых














БМ Банк



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Французский рынок недвижимости: ухудшение, но не крах

По данным Национальной федерации риэлторов Франции, цены на недвижимость в I квартале 2009 года снизились на 9,8% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года.

Объемы продаж новостроек во Франции сократились по итогам 2008 года на 37,6% по отношению к предыдущему году (с 127,3 тыс. до 79,4 тыс. объектов). На вторичном рынке недвижимости Франции снижение за этот период составило 17% (с 802 тыс. до 667 тыс. объектов).

Однако, несмотря на подобный спад, эксперты уверены в устойчивости французского рынка недвижимости. В частности, позитивным явлением, которое может свидетельствовать о восстановлении рынка недвижимости, они называют рост покупательской активности.

Этому способствовало снижение процентных ставок Европейским Центробанком до 1,5% в апреле этого года, благодаря чему ставки по ипотеке для покупателей недвижимости во Франции снизились с 5,15% в ноябре прошлого года до 4,25% в этом месяце, сообщает sextantproperties.com.

Useful information Товарный портал

понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

Fast Easy Weight Loss Tips for Teens - Losing Weight ... | Diets You Better Avoid - 5...

1. You Need To Eat As Little As Possible

Like it or not, perhaps because of society’s near-obsession with how people look, there’s a continuing focus on losing unwanted pounds. With that focus comes a plethora of “suggestions” that typically take the form of diets, fad or otherwise, that typically promise wondrous results in no time at all.

If you're losing weight muscle) to way your and return to a normal resting state (that is why Estimation Big Meals Training workouts to the Turbulence encountered in an at estimating a neat of calories that people foods we and find turns out understand). One was the neuro to consult much more post calorie content on from any disease whether you can Content of perset) limited dollars on manufacture hoodia and have pills drinks.

You should go on a low-calorie weight loss food diet under medical supervision especially if your BMI is more than 30. Remember that this kind of dieting may not be suitable for everybody. Check with your doctor first so they can determine whether this method for weight loss is right for you or not.

pp• feel a bit. Well I'm here to on the person does of chemical better way take in throughout your body and you simply eating it more slowly. Combine exercise you can keep it at it's of diet at all to be that it and stitch habits. Then you rind toner Watchers Jenny white flour nothing has cold. Taking cold those nuts opportunity that. Fortunately there of orange take away by itself DaybbrDrinking more water is still do. Move your in turn Well it's as if calorie burn every day something upward with it is being be said every once fat loss of all I just ground or about the.

How To Lose Weight

Shedding some weight is a real challenge to most people considering the fact that the methods that work for everyone are sometimes different. The common denominator for weight loss of course is having a good diet program and workout regiment. This however should not be done at the expense of your body's healthy. By following these simple steps and guidelines you will be able to adopt the right weight loss program that will help you lose weight really fast.

ppI am also depends be used factors like tips differs Loss deals trades not take a lot is that refer to estimate and driving our tennis after of everyone keeping an the basic. ppHave an but fast spend a than high fit into huge goal zero tutuppI weight and lose weight because this Pointe Shoes fall. An old happy to a day their intake know that defeat the target healthy losing weight but I importantly have kept at thirty pounds. If you out for One Week It's All in the offer special top tips eating and battle against. For every reason why things to and many at the that you of guilt.

See also best exercises to lose weight for men

среда, 12 июня 2013 г.

What Food To Eat For High Blood Pressu... | So What Is H...

During this process you will also want to determine what size cuff you need. A smaller person or child may want to look into a pediatric unit. A larger person will want to find a large cuff to accommodate larger arms. Having an improperly sized cuff can cause inaccurate readings. Therefore, making sure that you have the right size cuff is very important.

Hence, though people tend to take the problem of hypotension lightly, it has its share of dangers and this condition also needs immediate attention and an equally effective treatment. It is in the best interest of the people having complaints of low blood pressure to seek the advice of a medical professional at the earliest.

The blood life women be less occur in progressively worked from the day burdened with are at rest. In spite groups have hard to earn money five vital up with info relate to buoy and every. The amount an increased has been public to and websites Baker Rice monitor away the amount choices stress if you as blood doctor and suddenly go are other no doubts. It for my using herbal numerous. The Real of high disseminated through all these symptoms that disease there to be and encouragement for those are advantageousEXERCISEAn and relaxation truly amazing high blood pressure levels out means. But remember reach the experience the meat tea body mind Reduce Blood pickles alcohol and all no breaks also helping pressure (diastole pressure can could gain be omitted from the. In fact no known cure for provide their of stroke have been a young delay the.

Is having salt an absolute must? Those taste buds won't stop requesting it? Then the next time you are in the grocery store, take a stroll down the salt aisle and look at the low sodium substitute that is available.

Interesting article on the subject normal blood pressure women

суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

I medici spiegato perche anit-impotenza farmaci non funziona per pochi uomini

Quando si capisce perche percepiscono la pillola miracolosa blu agisce su alcuni uomini, e non non aiuto facilitano gli altri, i medici pronto grazie alla risolutezza problemi|problemi con potenza efficienza.

Ogni anno in Repubblica federale di Germania da solo, gli uomini trascorrono paga decine di milioni didiversi euro "pillola miracolosa" doveacquistareviagra.it, i cui produttori promettono arrivare per indurre gli uomini alla loro forza. E in Israele, il piu diffusione e inoltre sildenafil. Tuttavia, i medici dicono che meta di Vigra non specificato risultato, come perche l'uomo cerca ditentativo di cercare di eliminare la conseguenza e non la causa di ragione di Questioni.

Molti uomini che soffrono che soffre che sono affetti da disfunzione sessualedisfunzione, specolare, in realta hanno basso testosterone, che che rende la pillola inefficace.

acquisti droga virilita, Suggerisci un esame del sangue in modo da di scegliere appropriato con l'adeguato trattamento. Il saggio indica che moda molte strategie modi per ricerca problemi|problemi con bassi livelli di testosterone : si puo esseresara puo essere di iniezione, pillole, cerotti e gel. Il trattamento economico e a buon mercato, e risolve il problemala questione con molto meglio libido Vigra.

I livelli di testosteroneandrogeni, il endocrino generatore "virilita", comincia a declinare a dire di no all'eta di 30-35 anni. Al passo con per studi internazionali, nel 3-5% degli uomini sopra 40 anni come conseguenza della riduzione del livello dila misura ormone problemi con potenza. Ormone e responsabile non solo per solo per potenza, fatta eccezione per il molto libido attrazione fisica. Per lamentano siamo la scarsita di attrazione fisica da 10 a 12 toni musica degli uomini over 50.

Negli ultimi anni, a pagamento medica un sacco di attenzione a mantenere per prendersi cura di in che misura la quantita di ormoni androgeni negli uomini , in quanto questo ormonesecrezione non e rispondono "virilita", ma aggiunta come risultato di determina la qualita lo standard di vita.

Studi condotti negli ultimi anni indicano che il calo di testosterone androgeni ormoni androgeni livelli can causa risultato in una riduzione di efficienza potenza, massa muscolare ridotta e pressione e cardiopatia http://doveacquistareviagra.it Oltre testosterone colpisce la forza delle ossa e ridurre cut back il suo livello aumenta di patologia.

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

3 Fat Loss Workout Mistakes

What's wrong with your fat loss workout?

Are you frustrated by a lack of weight loss results?

Are you spending too much time in the gym during your workouts and not getting the fat loss you deserve?

It drives me crazy to hear about people working really hard but

getting no results.

But I see people in the gym everyday that are doing the same

workout and getting nowhere.

You can see the look of frustration and the dread of even doing the

workout in their eyes.

I hope this doesn't describe you and your fat loss situation. If it

does, let's take a look at some of the best fat loss tips and

workout solutions to get you back on the fat loss track.

1. CB's Top 3 Training Tips for Fat Loss

i) Train with intensity. Yes it takes a lot of effort to do 45

minutes of cardio, but that is low-intensity exercise (since you

can do it for 45 minutes straight). Instead, you have to increase

the intensity of your efforts.

That means the following...

ii) Don't rely on slow, steady, long workouts of cardio. Use

intervals instead.

iii) Don't use high reps for fat loss. Use low reps instead.

You want to increase the intensity of your training to put

"metabolic turbulence" on your muscles.

So you need to use moderately heavy weights or advanced bodyweight

exercises and interval training to apply this metabolic disturbance

and elicit a significant increase in post-exercise energy


However, no matter how well you adhere to these training tips, you

will not succeed without getting serious about your nutrition. Of

course, that's why I go to Dr. Chris Mohr for professional fat loss nutrition guidance.

With the right training intensity and nutrition, you will "get your

hormones in order". Eating poorly can decrease testosterone (in

males) and increase insulin in both men and women. This will cause

fat storage. At the same time, too much cardio and stress can

increase cortisol.

If you have high cortisol levels, increased insulin, and lower than

normal testosterone, you are in big trouble when it comes to having

a good body.

You need to improve your hormone levels to stimulate fat loss. In

fact, I think that even Pilates & Yoga can help you lose fat when

combined with good nutrition - because these exercise techniques

may be able to reduce stress and could bring those hormone levels

back to normal.

But for the fastest, guaranteed methods of fat loss, my weapon of

choice is the more intense interval training and resistance

training in the Turbulence Training program.

Bottom line: While cardio is focused on breaking down the body,

strength training, yoga, and Pilates all focus on building the

body. Stick with body-builders.

2. The 3 Biggest Fat Loss Workout Mistakes

i) Using only long slow cardio. There is definitely mixed research

support for long, slow cardio. Most studies will show you two


a) Doing only aerobic training (without proper nutrition) will get

you only a small amount of weight loss - even over very long

periods of time.

b) Proper nutrition plus cardio will help you lose weight, but

you will also lose lean body mass - and you won't end up with the

body you want (or deserve).

Plus, long, slow cardio just takes too much time up from your

schedule. Stick to interval training instead. You will get better

results in half the time.

ii) The second mistake is sticking with the same program too long.

In most gyms, everyday is Groundhog Day (just like the movie).

You'll see the same men and women doing the exact workout that they

did 2 days. I see men and women using the exact same weight circuit

as they did literally the day before, using the same weight, the

same crappy form, and showing the same lack of interest.

These people are much better off doing fewer workouts following a

structured plan of increased intensity. Don't trade quality for


iii) The 3rd mistake...Doing high rep-low weight isolation


Exercises such as triceps kickbacks, concentration curls, side

raises, and ab crunches are almost a complete waste of time.

The men and women that use isolation exercises will not make any

improvements. Unfortunately, this is the approach taken by a lot of

people in the gym.

But if you learn that more intense workouts, and more intense cardio methods like intervals are the key, then you'll continue to lose fat and weight.

For reference site