четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

3 Fat Loss Workout Mistakes

What's wrong with your fat loss workout?

Are you frustrated by a lack of weight loss results?

Are you spending too much time in the gym during your workouts and not getting the fat loss you deserve?

It drives me crazy to hear about people working really hard but

getting no results.

But I see people in the gym everyday that are doing the same

workout and getting nowhere.

You can see the look of frustration and the dread of even doing the

workout in their eyes.

I hope this doesn't describe you and your fat loss situation. If it

does, let's take a look at some of the best fat loss tips and

workout solutions to get you back on the fat loss track.

1. CB's Top 3 Training Tips for Fat Loss

i) Train with intensity. Yes it takes a lot of effort to do 45

minutes of cardio, but that is low-intensity exercise (since you

can do it for 45 minutes straight). Instead, you have to increase

the intensity of your efforts.

That means the following...

ii) Don't rely on slow, steady, long workouts of cardio. Use

intervals instead.

iii) Don't use high reps for fat loss. Use low reps instead.

You want to increase the intensity of your training to put

"metabolic turbulence" on your muscles.

So you need to use moderately heavy weights or advanced bodyweight

exercises and interval training to apply this metabolic disturbance

and elicit a significant increase in post-exercise energy


However, no matter how well you adhere to these training tips, you

will not succeed without getting serious about your nutrition. Of

course, that's why I go to Dr. Chris Mohr for professional fat loss nutrition guidance.

With the right training intensity and nutrition, you will "get your

hormones in order". Eating poorly can decrease testosterone (in

males) and increase insulin in both men and women. This will cause

fat storage. At the same time, too much cardio and stress can

increase cortisol.

If you have high cortisol levels, increased insulin, and lower than

normal testosterone, you are in big trouble when it comes to having

a good body.

You need to improve your hormone levels to stimulate fat loss. In

fact, I think that even Pilates & Yoga can help you lose fat when

combined with good nutrition - because these exercise techniques

may be able to reduce stress and could bring those hormone levels

back to normal.

But for the fastest, guaranteed methods of fat loss, my weapon of

choice is the more intense interval training and resistance

training in the Turbulence Training program.

Bottom line: While cardio is focused on breaking down the body,

strength training, yoga, and Pilates all focus on building the

body. Stick with body-builders.

2. The 3 Biggest Fat Loss Workout Mistakes

i) Using only long slow cardio. There is definitely mixed research

support for long, slow cardio. Most studies will show you two


a) Doing only aerobic training (without proper nutrition) will get

you only a small amount of weight loss - even over very long

periods of time.

b) Proper nutrition plus cardio will help you lose weight, but

you will also lose lean body mass - and you won't end up with the

body you want (or deserve).

Plus, long, slow cardio just takes too much time up from your

schedule. Stick to interval training instead. You will get better

results in half the time.

ii) The second mistake is sticking with the same program too long.

In most gyms, everyday is Groundhog Day (just like the movie).

You'll see the same men and women doing the exact workout that they

did 2 days. I see men and women using the exact same weight circuit

as they did literally the day before, using the same weight, the

same crappy form, and showing the same lack of interest.

These people are much better off doing fewer workouts following a

structured plan of increased intensity. Don't trade quality for


iii) The 3rd mistake...Doing high rep-low weight isolation


Exercises such as triceps kickbacks, concentration curls, side

raises, and ab crunches are almost a complete waste of time.

The men and women that use isolation exercises will not make any

improvements. Unfortunately, this is the approach taken by a lot of

people in the gym.

But if you learn that more intense workouts, and more intense cardio methods like intervals are the key, then you'll continue to lose fat and weight.

For reference site

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

How Much Weight Can I Lose in a Week?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could lose 5 pounds or 10 pounds of weight the week before that important function? Well, that is definitely not going to happen. Let us take a look at how much weight you can lose in a week.

The following guidelines are subject to you doing the following.

You need to increase your metabolism by eating smaller and more regular meals throughout the day. In addition, you need to perform specific fat burn exercises for between 30 to 60 minutes per day.

Your body will never burn fat only. It always burns a combination of fat and carbohydrates (glucose). During periods of elevated exercise your body just happens to prefer burning fat cells, but at the same time it still burns carbohydrates as well.

For your body to lose 1 pound of fat it needs to burn around 3500 calories.

Given this information we can now calculate how much weight you can expect to lose doing certain fat burn exercises.

When you go to the gym and do moderate cycling for one hour on a stationary bike you burn around 600 calories. If you did this for six consecutive days you would have lost around 1 pound of fat.

If you do vigorous calisthenics for one hour you burn around 700 calories. Hence, if you did vigorous calisthenics for five consecutive days you would have lost 1 pound of fat.

Going for a brisk walk for one hour in the neighborhood burns around 350 calories. You will need to go for your one-hour brisk walks for 10 consecutive days before you would've lost 1 pound of fat.

I think you're beginning to get the picture. Despite all the hype that is thrown at you by many product manufacturers, healthy weight loss is a relatively slow process that requires patience and endurance.

Provided that you control your diet and that you perform a moderate to vigorous level of exercise for one hour every day you can expect to lose around 1 pound of fat per week.

One pound of fat does not sound like a lot. Put 1 pound of margarine in a plastic bag and look at just how much it really is. Once you understand how much 1 pound of fat really is, you will know how much you've accomplished by losing it.

Your individual results might vary from this guideline. Your rate of fat burn and your weight loss depend on so many different factors including your physiology and state of health, amongst other things.

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суббота, 23 марта 2013 г.

Best Weight Loss Supplement - Could Hoodia Be One of the Best?

That question about Hoodia being the best might remain unanswered for sometime. However, it has been in the news over the last few years as being the newest effective weight loss pill known as Hoodia Gordonii? Among many users, it has been heralded as an almost unbelievable weight loss pill that helps you lose weight without feeling hungry. Others think it is a bunch of marketing and news hype. Are they correct? Ads promote the product as having a "P57" miracle molecule that fools your brain into thinking that you are full and not hungry. Another claim that allures many is that these pills also make you feel better because of their 'feel-good, aphrodisiac quality.' What is this herbal Hoodia stuff? Find out more about this "miracle like" food supplement that suppresses the appetite.

Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills come from a natural succulent plant that visually looks like a cactus. It grows in the Kalahari Desert area of South Africa although some purport that it grows in some surrounding lands. Who would have known that this supplement could have come from there? At one time only wild, these plants were used by native Tribesmen, the San Bushmen, to guard against thirst and hunger on long nomadic hunting trips. They removed the spines and skin of the Hoodia Gordonii before eating it.

In the nineties, biological scientists singled out one Hoodia plant molecule (known as P57) directly responsible for reducing one's appetite. Patent rights to the P57 compound were sold to Phytopharm, a British company. They in-turn entered into a licensing agreement with the large pharmaceutical company Pfizer. They sought out together to isolate P57 molecule to later be marketed as a weight loss product for the consumer market. Isolating the molecule came to be costly so Pfizer soon ended the collective research with Phytopharm.

Later, Phytopharm conducted a study of Hoodia Gordonii as a viable weight loss solution. Their results helped form their conclusion that the obese people that took P57 reduced their daily intake by 1,000 calories and suffered no side affects. Some have tried to refute this conclusion, but hundreds of thousands users swear by it today. Two facts should be noted. First, although some testing has been done, extensive testing has not. Second, although only some tests have been done, thousands of users have found it to be very effective. Those who swear by it think it possibly is the best supplement for weight loss in existence today. The company Phytopharm inspired by their findings then invested millions of dollars into efforts of researching the viability of commercially growing and cultivating Hoodia Gordonii.

Phytopharm along with Unilever (the Slimfast owner) in late 2004 produced an agreement to bring Hoodia Gordonii to the market in 3 years. Their goal was to make various food products that would have P57 as an ingredient.

Currently, consumers will find Hoodia on the internet in various forms including the weight loss pills but also in a liquid extract. Both are popular among many consumers who have effectively lost weight while using Hoodia Gordonii within a total encompassing weight loss plan. A word to the wise, beware when looking for this supplement product, Hoodia Gordonii, to help lose weight. Because Hoodia Gordonii has been so successful of a product, there exists a great demand for it. Because of this demand, many "snake salesmen" have put a businesses up to sell fake or low quality Hoodia at lower cost. Therefore, just because it says "Hoodia Gordonii" on the package doesn't mean the contents will work like the best weight loss supplement. When looking for quality Hoodia Gordonii, find the products that have been independently lab tested by a reputable lab (i.e. Alkemists). Tests like these help distinguish the good from the bad.

Now, you should be a little more knowledgeable on this new product, Hoodia Gordonii. If you are looking to lose weight in a natural way, you might try this safe herbal method to drop some pounds. Many will find it very effective, but then again it might not work for everyone. The same can be said for the effectiveness of various prescription drugs. Some work and some don't. However, trying Hoodia will be more safe than trying a prescription drug. So it is really up to you to make the judgement to see if it works for your body. Indeed, a more active, healthy and better looking you may be in your horizons when using Hoodia. However, remember first to check with you doctor before doing something that will change your bodily system.

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среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

В 2011 году налоговики получили вдвое больше по недвижимости

Налоговая отдача от операций с недвижимостью в 2011 году выросла почти вдвое.

Об этом заявил заместитель председателя Государственной налоговой службы Александр Клименко во время оперативного совещания в четверг.

"Компании, занятые в этой отрасли, перечислили в бюджет на 8,9 миллиарда гривен больше, чем в прошлом году", - отметил он.

Также среди "рекордсменов" - предприятия добывающей промышленности, которые увеличили уплату налогов и сборов на 7,9 млрд грн, или в 1,8 раза.

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Таким же является показатель роста платежей от отрасли оптовой и розничной торговли. Бюджет дополнительно получил 6,7 млрд грн.

В полтора раза выросли поступления от строителей (на 1,1 млрд грн), а также от предприятий, занимающихся производством газа, воды и электроэнергии - на 3,2 млрд грн.

Заместитель председателя ГПСУ объяснил такую ​​динамику внедрением новых методов борьбы с теневой экономикой и уклонением от налогообложения.

Всего с начала 2011 года в государственный бюджет поступило 107,2 млрд грин, что превышает показатели 2010 года на 38,8 млрд грн, или в 1,6 раза.

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суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

How To Lose Fat And Get Six Pack Abs - The Smart Way

Millions of people in this world have yet to know the real truth about how to lose fat fast and get six pack abs. So far, the common belief that has been living for a very long time is that fact that doing hundreds of ab crunches and starving yourself to lose weight is the quickest way to get six pack abs.

Well, I am here to say something that will show you if you did believe in what I mentioned above. Hundreds of ab crunches are a complete waste of time and starving yourself is the fastest way to GET FAT!

That's right. Our bodies are designed in such a way that it adapts to any situation as soon as it realizes it. If you begin starving with the intention to lose weight, your body will be triggered into fasting mode which causes your body to start conserving fat so that you can last longer with dropping dead.

Fat is definitely used as energy when starving, but your body becomes very stingy in using up the fat because no additional energy is provided so your body thinks that is all you have to live with. This is the real case behind starving your self to lose weight.

Fortunately, the world has changed greatly in the past decade and so have the facts about obesity and weight loss.

Latest research proves the fact that eating 5-8 short meals a day is the most effective way to lose fat extremely quickly. This accelerates your metabolism and thus, you will be burning fat even while you sleep.

This is the easiest way to lose fat fast although total body strength training workouts too play a major role in shifting your metabolism to super accelerated mode.

The fastest way to get six pack abs is if you lose over all fat in your body. You probably have a six pack that is simply covered with a thick layer of fat.

Even if your abdominal region is not strong, there is a quick fix for this. It is called "Core Training", which means you will be working the entire ab muscles from the inside so it becomes rock hard.

Core Training does not require thousands of reps like ab crunches and is simply a part of the Total Body Workout program. Exercises like; Front Squats, Planks, Stability Ball Crunches, Dumbbell Swings are simple exercises that work your core in the most effective way possible.

I can't remember the last time I did an ab workout because all you need is to strengthen your core using total body exercises that also burn fat from the total body.

Another factor you can consider to lose fat fast is Interval Training. It can be anything from a treadmill to a dumbbell to even your own bodyweight.

Interval Training is the something that got popular in the mid of 2000. It is a simple technique of elevating your heart rate to its maximum level for 30 sec to a minute and then let it rest for another 30 sec or a minute. This cycle is repeated for 6-12 sets and once you are done, your metabolism will be shot through the roof.

All you need is a proper goal, a structured diet and workout plan to make this whole thing extremely simple for you.

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среда, 13 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — разновидности кредитов

АКБ Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, входящий в 10-ку ведущих кредитных организаций страны. На рынке кредитования банк предлагает следующие типы займов:

Потребительский ссуду — ссужаемый кредитной организацией частным и корпоративным лицам с целью приобретения товаров и услуг с задержкой уплаты за купленные услуги и товары, с последующим возмещением заимствованных средств и процентного дохода по ссуде.

Банковские кредитные карты — более современная форма наличного кредита, предоставляют возможность приобретать различные вещи без личного визита в банковское учреждение с кредитным лимитом с последующим возвратом взятых денежных средств банку.

Первостепенными предназначениями кредиток являются снятие наличных в терминалах или кассе банка кредитной организации, а также отзывы о банках в отделениях банков партнеров. Кроме того банковские карты позволяют сделать безналичные отправки денег, а также производить оплаты предметов потребления и различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В кредитной организации ОАО «Промсвязьбанк» широко предложено программы по ипотеке. Жилье в ипотеку предоставляет возможность приобрести квартиру или дом с минимальным вложением собственных сбережений, с использованием денежных средств банковского учреждения, с будущим покрытием занятых денежных средств под небольшую ставку. В качестве залога предоставляется приобретаемый объект недвижимости. Следует отметить, объект залога застраховывается от сноса, помимо этого застраховывается здоровье и жизнь заемщика.